WE USE OUTSTANDING RAW MATERIALS PEAT - our own deposits in Russia More than 90% humus organic matter. · Presence of carboxyl (-COOH) and hydroxyl (-OH) groups is 50 times greater than in coal (leonardite) · Transport and sorption capacity of peat-based products is much higher. · Rich in natural fulvic acids (>10% ISO19822), · Macronutrients (nitrogen, calcium, sulfur, magnesium) and trace elements (iron,manganese, zinc, copper, bromine) in an accessible form. · Enzime · Amino acids
Organic Fertiliser from Russian Peat
Discover the power of organic fertiliser derived from the nutrient-dense peat of Russia, delivering unmatched benefits for your soil and plants.
Phytosporin: Biofungicide for Sustainable Agriculture
Phytosporin is an innovative biofungicide that utilizes natural microbial cultures and plant-derived substances to enhance crop yields and protect against fungal diseases.