Why are we unique?
PEAT - our own deposits in Russia
More than 90% humus organic matter.
· Presence of carboxyl (-COOH) and hydroxyl (-OH) groups is 50 times greater than in coal (leonardite)
· Transport and sorption capacity of peat-based products is much higher.
· Rich in natural fulvic acids (>10% ISO19822),
· Macronutrients (nitrogen, calcium, sulfur, magnesium) and trace elements (iron,manganese, zinc, copper, bromine) in an accessible form.
· Enzime
· Amino acids

Organic Fertiliser from Russian Peat

Discover the power of organic fertiliser derived from the nutrient-dense peat of Russia, delivering unmatched benefits for your soil and plants.
Peat extract
Phytosporin: Biofungicide for Sustainable Agriculture

Phytosporin is an innovative biofungicide that utilizes natural microbial cultures and plant-derived substances to enhance crop yields and protect against fungal diseases.
Peat extract
Why Choose Us
We work hard every day to supply row material to India and make an extract
comparison of the effectiveness of application peat extract humic
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